Departament of International Cooperation and Business Promotion

The present project was created at the commission of the Ditrict Office in Poznan. It is part of the created and developed enterprise support and service system operating on the territory of the Poznan District.

The portal is to be a place for the promotion of companies from the area of the district. Its uniqueness entails the fact that apart from a typical database, portal users also have the possibility of becoming familiar with information regarding entrepreneurship in the Poznan District. It is to be a place where entrepreneurs can learn about interesting competitions, EU programmes and important matters regarding business.

The service recipients will, first and foremost, be managers from Wielkopolska and companies from Poznan. At present, the Internet is the least expensive form of mass media with the greatest range. A company boss does not need to buy a newspaper or watch television. But they do, however, need to turn on their computers and check their emails on a daily basis. The portal can assist them in obtaining information on the topic of business in their closest surroundings.


Tomasz Morawski – Manager of Departament of International Cooperation and Business Promotion in Governors's Office