
The administrative reform which came into force on January 1, 1999 introduced a new three-level structure of the country's territorial division, thus creating, apart from communes, a local government on the level of district and region. The legal basis for the district's functioning is made up by the resolution for the local government (O.J. of 2001 r. No. 142, item 1592 as amended). The district's bodies consist of the council which is a legislative and a controlling body, and of the Board which is an executive body of the district.

The Council of Poznań District of the 4th term (2010-2014) consists of 29 councillors.

The Council's sole competences include: drawing the local law, including the statute of the district; election and dismissal of the board; following the governor's motion, the election and dismissal of the secretary and the treasurer, who is the main accountant of the district; deciding on the directions of the board's activity and controlling the reports on the board's functioning, including the financial activity; drawing and passing of the district's budget; viewing reports on the execution of the budget and in that matter - passing the resolution on giving or withholding of vote of acceptance for the board; passing resolutions on taxes and fees within the frames devised by law; passing resolutions concerning the assets of the district; deciding on the amount up to which the board can incur liabilities on its own, deciding on the crest and flag of the district, deciding on accepting tasks in the area of government administration as well as forwarding the execution of public tasks; drawing resolutions on cooperation with local communities from other countries as well as on joining international associations of local communities; drawing of the program for crime prevention, citizen security protection and public order in the district; drawing of the program for the unemployment prevention; deciding on the rules of granting scholarships for students; assessing fire safety and flood safety of the district; as well as drawing resolutions in other areas, by law belonging to the council's competence.

The council operates in sessions and by means of resolutions decides on all the matters within its competence. The sessions of the council are open. The collection of local law acts established by the district is stored by District Office in Poznań (Starostwo Powiatowe w Poznaniu) and can be viewed at its seat. The district order regulations are announced in the Wielkopolska Region Office Journal (Wojewódzki Dziennik Urzędowy).

The Council supervises the operating of the board and of the district administrative units. It may also draw from its members constant and temporary commissions for particular purposes.

The Council of Poznań District has drawn the following commissions:

The Audit Commission

Commission of Education

Commission for Social Policy and Healthcare

Commission of Culture, Sport and Tourism

Commission for the Promotion, Development and European Integration Communication,
Construction and Infrastructure Commission Environment Protection and Agriculture Commission

Commission for Finance and Poviat Property Management

The service of the Council and of its Commissions is provided by the Council's Office.

The Board of Poznań Districtt consists of 3 members: the Governor as its president, Vice-governor and another member, the last two from outside of the Council. The Board executes the resolutions of the council and the tasks of the district devised by law. In particular, its tasks include the preparation of resolution projects, execution of the resolutions, management of the district's assets, execution of the budget, employing and discharging of the heads of the district's administrative units. The Governor organizes the functioning of the Board and of the District Office, supervises the current operations of the district as well as is the district's representative during official meetings etc.